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Política de privacidade

Última atualização: 12th janeiro de 2024



Esta Política de Privacidade explica como as informações sobre o utilizador são recolhidas, utilizadas e partilhadas pela Tradeday LLC (doravante "Tradeday," "nosso," "nós," ou "nós"). A presente Política de Privacidade destina-se a informar os nossos utilizadores ("utilizador(es)", "tu", ou "seu") sobre a forma como podemos recolher e utilizar as informações pessoais que nos fornece através da sua utilização e acesso ao nosso website, aplicações móveis e outros serviços, ou quando interage connosco de outra forma (coletivamente, o "Serviços"), a forma como podemos utilizar essas informações, como as protegemos e as opções disponíveis para o utilizador relativamente à utilização que fazemos das suas informações pessoais.

Podemos modificar ou complementar esta Política de Privacidade periodicamente, publicando essas alterações nesta página. Quaisquer alterações entrarão em vigor a partir da data de publicação. Reveja frequentemente esta Política de Privacidade para estar sempre informado de quaisquer alterações.

É importante que os dados pessoais que temos sobre si sejam exactos e actuais. Mantenha-nos informados se os seus dados pessoais sofrerem alterações durante a sua relação connosco ou se tiver conhecimento de que os dados pessoais que possuímos são incorrectos.

Esta Política de Privacidade é vinculativa para todos os que acedem, visitam e/ou utilizam os Serviços, quer actuem como indivíduos ou em nome de uma entidade. Se não concordar em ficar vinculado por esta Política de Privacidade, não aceda nem utilize os Serviços.

Esta Política de Privacidade faz parte da nossa Termos de utilizaçãoque regem a sua utilização dos Serviços. Ao utilizar os Serviços, ao contactar-nos para obter informações sobre os Serviços ou ao fornecer-nos informações de outra forma, o utilizador consente com a nossa Política de Privacidade e concorda com a nossa Termos de utilização.

Os Serviços podem incluir ligações a sítios Web, plug-ins e aplicações de terceiros. Clicar nessas ligações ou ativar essas ligações pode permitir que terceiros recolham ou partilhem dados sobre o utilizador. Não controlamos esses sites de terceiros, incluindo os nossos processadores de pagamentos de terceiros, e não somos responsáveis pelas suas declarações de privacidade. Quando sair dos Serviços, encorajamo-lo a ler a política de privacidade de todos os sítios Web que visitar.

Consoante a sua localização, pode estar sujeito a diferentes normas de proteção e, por conseguinte, podem aplicar-se normas mais amplas a alguns. Para saber mais sobre os critérios de proteção, consulte a secção aplicável abaixo.

Se tiver alguma dúvida sobre esta Política de Privacidade, contacte-nos conforme indicado abaixo.


"Conta" significa uma conta de um Utilizador que está registado na Tradeday e que tem acesso a Serviços específicos da Tradeday.

"Acordo" significa a presente Política de Privacidade, o nosso Termos de utilização todas as alterações, adendas e licenças à Política de Privacidade e à Termos de utilização.

"Autorização" significa o conjunto de direitos e privilégios nos Serviços atribuídos a um Usuário pela Tradeday.

"Utilizador Brasileiro" significa um Utilizador que reside no Brasil.

"Conteúdo" significa todas as informações e outros materiais presentes nos Serviços, incluindo os produtos e serviços da Tradeday, textos, imagens, fotos, ideias de negociação, opiniões, rumores, conselhos, gráficos, informações financeiras, classificações, revisões ou informações semelhantes.

"Responsável pelo tratamento" significa uma pessoa ou entidade que, individual ou conjuntamente, determina as finalidades e os meios de tratamento dos dados pessoais, controla os dados e é responsável por eles.

"Informações do cartão de crédito" significa as informações necessárias para processar um pagamento com cartão de crédito, incluindo o nome do titular do cartão de débito, o número do cartão de crédito, o número CVV, a data de validade, o endereço de faturação, o número de telefone e o endereço de e-mail.

"Dados" significa informação gerada por si e por outros Utilizadores (agregada ou não).

"Responsável pela proteção de dados" é a pessoa ou entidade responsável pela operação de tratamento de dados.

"Pessoa em causa" é uma pessoa singular identificada ou identificável.

"Informações do cartão de débito" significa as informações necessárias para processar um pagamento com cartão de débito, incluindo o nome do titular do cartão de débito, o número do cartão de débito, o número CVV, a data de validade, o endereço de faturação, o número de telefone e o endereço de e-mail.

"Agente Designado" significa o representante da Tradeday identificado na Secção 2 do Termos de utilização.

"UE" designa a União Europeia.

"Utilizador da UE" significa um Utilizador que reside na União Europeia.

"Feedback" significa os seus comentários, feedback, informações ou outros materiais relativos aos Serviços.

"RGPD" significa o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados, adotado como Regulamento (UE) 2016/679 do Parlamento Europeu em 14 de abril de 2016.

"LGPD" significa Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, a Lei de Proteção de Dados do Brasil.

"Dados de registo" são as informações que o seu browser envia sempre que visita um sítio Web; estas informações são registadas automaticamente pelos nossos servidores.

"Dados Pessoais" significa qualquer informação relativa a uma pessoa singular identificada ou identificável ou qualquer informação que seja utilizada para a definição de perfis de comportamento de uma determinada pessoa singular, se essa pessoa for identificada.

"Termos" significa os Termos da Tradeday Termos de utilização

"Reino Unido" significa o Reino Unido.

"RGPD do Reino Unido" significa a Lei de Proteção de Dados do Reino Unido de 2018, adoptada em conformidade com o RGPD.

"Utilizador do Reino Unido" significa um Utilizador que reside no Reino Unido.

"Utilizador" significa uma pessoa singular ou colectiva com idade superior a 18 anos que tenha aceite os serviços da Tradeday. Termos de utilização e, se aplicável, foi autorizado a utilizar a Conta.

"Envio do utilizador" significa qualquer comentário ou informação pessoal, incluindo, sem limitação, ideias, sugestões, opiniões, comentários, observações ou outro material, publicado em qualquer formulário público nos nossos Serviços, incluindo qualquer publicação, artigo, página de rede social, blogue, sala de conversação ou outro fórum semelhante.

"Visitante" significa uma pessoa singular ou colectiva que visita os nossos Serviços sem ter uma Conta.


Esta Política de Privacidade aplica-se às informações e dados recolhidos pela Tradeday como Controlador. Em caso de dúvidas ou pedidos relativos aos seus dados pessoais, pode contactar o responsável pela proteção de dados da Tradeday, a qualquer momento, através do endereço Pode também escrever-nos para: Northwest Registered Agent SER, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite N, Springfield, Illinois 62704.


Contas e informações pessoais. O utilizador pode optar por registar uma Conta nos nossos Serviços e podemos recolher determinadas informações pessoais do utilizador para prestar serviços e concluir transacções. Todas as informações que o utilizador decidir enviar serão recolhidas.

Quando se registar connosco através dos nossos Serviços, iremos pedir-lhe Dados Pessoais. Os Dados Pessoais podem incluir o seu nome, número de telefone, endereço de e-mail, endereço postal, nome de utilizador, palavra-passe, código postal e idade (opcional).

Pedidos de apoio; Formulários de contacto. Para nos contactar para obter mais informações ou para solicitar apoio através dos Serviços, terá de fornecer as suas informações de contacto (por exemplo, nome completo, endereço postal, endereço de correio eletrónico, número de telefone), conforme aplicável, e o assunto em que está interessado.

Ligações e sítios Web de terceiros. Os nossos Serviços podem fornecer ligações a aplicações, produtos, serviços ou Web sites de terceiros para sua conveniência e informação. Se o utilizador aceder a essas ligações, sairá dos nossos Serviços. Não controlamos esses sites e serviços de terceiros nem as suas práticas de privacidade, que podem ser diferentes das nossas práticas. Não endossamos nem fazemos quaisquer representações sobre sites de terceiros. Quaisquer informações que o utilizador decida fornecer ou que sejam recolhidas por esses terceiros não estão abrangidas pelo Acordo. Não podemos controlar as actividades de terceiros e não somos responsáveis por qualquer utilização das informações fornecidas por esses terceiros. Quaisquer informações que o utilizador decida fornecer a sítios Web ou produtos de terceiros serão regidas pelas políticas desses sítios Web e produtos de terceiros. Aconselhamos o utilizador a ler a política de privacidade de cada sítio Web, aplicação e serviço que visitar, utilizar ou com o qual interagir.

Envios do utilizador. Se publicar uma Transferência do utilizador em qualquer fórum público dos nossos Serviços, incluindo, sem limitação, qualquer publicação, artigo, página de rede social, blogue, sala de conversação ou outro fórum semelhante, tenha em atenção que quaisquer Dados pessoais divulgados na sua Transferência do utilizador podem ser lidos, visualizados, recolhidos ou utilizados por outros utilizadores desses fóruns e podem ser utilizados para o contactar, enviar-lhe mensagens não solicitadas ou para fins que nem o utilizador nem nós controlamos. O utilizador é responsável pelos Envios do utilizador introduzidos, enviados, criados, publicados, carregados, transmitidos ou de outra forma fornecidos através ou utilizando os Serviços. Todos os conteúdos gerados pelo utilizador são fornecidos por sua conta e risco. Não podemos garantir que os Envios do utilizador não serão vistos por pessoas não autorizadas. O utilizador compreende que, mesmo após a remoção, as cópias do conteúdo gerado pelo utilizador que forneceu podem permanecer visíveis em páginas em cache e arquivadas e podem ter sido copiadas ou armazenadas por arquivos da Internet e outros Utilizadores ou Visitantes. Poderemos disponibilizar os Envios do utilizador, incluindo publicamente, a outros Utilizadores dos Serviços e Visitantes, conforme aplicável e a seu exclusivo critério.

Também podemos agregar toda ou qualquer parte dos Envios do Utilizador. A Tradeday não é responsável pelos dados pessoais contidos nos seus envios de utilizador


Informações sobre o pagamento. Determinadas funcionalidades dos Serviços podem exigir que o utilizador forneça informações sobre cartões de crédito ou de débito. Não acedemos, tratamos ou armazenamos diretamente as Informações do cartão de crédito ou as Informações do cartão de débito do utilizador, uma vez que utilizamos os serviços de um processador de pagamentos de terceiros. 

Comunicações de marketing. Se você se inscrever ou fornecer seu endereço de e-mail, usaremos essas informações para enviar atualizações sobre a Tradeday, promoções e outras comunicações eletrônicas. Pode optar por deixar de receber actualizações e outros e-mails da Tradeday a qualquer momento, seguindo as instruções de cancelamento de inscrição no e-mail aplicável ou contactando-nos através das informações de contacto fornecidas abaixo em "Contacte-nos". Observe que, mesmo que você opte por não receber comunicações promocionais da Tradeday, ainda poderá receber comunicações administrativas nossas com relação ao seu uso dos Serviços. Podemos usar provedores de e-mail de terceiros para enviar essas comunicações para você.

Redes sociais. Os Serviços podem permitir ao utilizador ligar-se a plataformas de redes sociais e partilhar informações com as mesmas, e poderá ser necessário implementar cookies, plug-ins e APIs fornecidos por essas plataformas de redes sociais para facilitar essas comunicações e funcionalidades. Poderemos partilhar informações que nos forneça ou que possamos recolher sobre a sua utilização dos Serviços com essas plataformas e essas informações estarão sujeitas às respectivas políticas de privacidade. Aconselhamos o utilizador a rever a política de privacidade de qualquer plataforma de redes sociais que utilize em ligação com os Serviços. Além disso, ao optar por utilizar qualquer plataforma de redes sociais de terceiros ou ao optar por partilhar conteúdos ou comunicações com qualquer plataforma de redes sociais, o utilizador autoriza-nos a partilhar informações com a plataforma de redes sociais designada. Não podemos controlar quaisquer políticas ou termos dessa plataforma de terceiros. Consequentemente, não podemos ser responsáveis por qualquer utilização ou divulgação das suas informações ou conteúdos por plataformas de terceiros, que o utilizador utiliza por sua conta e risco.

Estamos activos nas redes sociais. O utilizador pode ter a oportunidade de comentar nessas plataformas de redes sociais sobre os nossos Serviços e/ou de enviar ou carregar fotografias e outros materiais relacionados. Reservamo-nos o direito de publicar nos Serviços, noutros sítios Web e nas páginas das redes sociais quaisquer comentários, fotografias ou conteúdos que o utilizador publique nas nossas páginas das redes sociais ou que nos forneça através das redes sociais.

Características do chat. Se o utilizador utilizar qualquer funcionalidade de conversação ou de mensagens nos Serviços, recolheremos todo o texto e outras informações e conteúdos que o utilizador possa fornecer ou introduzir utilizando essas funcionalidades. Se o utilizador utilizar uma funcionalidade de chat ou de mensagens enquanto estiver ligado à sua conta, poderemos associar essas informações à sua conta.


A nossa base legal para recolher e utilizar os seus Dados Pessoais dependerá dos Dados Pessoais em causa e do contexto específico em que os recolhemos. No entanto, normalmente só recolhemos Dados Pessoais do utilizador se tivermos o seu consentimento para o fazer, se precisarmos dos seus Dados Pessoais para executar ou preparar um contrato com o utilizador, se o processamento for do nosso interesse legítimo e não for sobreposto pelos seus interesses de proteção de dados ou direitos e liberdades fundamentais, e se tivermos a obrigação legal de o fazer. O seu consentimento para a nossa Termos de utilização e esta Política de Privacidade também constitui a base legal sobre a qual podemos recolher os seus Dados Pessoais.



Finalidades para as quais recolhemos dados pessoais

A Tradeday utiliza as informações que recolhe para os seguintes fins

  • Prestar os nossos serviços. Para fornecer os serviços que oferecemos nos nossos Serviços, para comunicar com o utilizador sobre a sua utilização dos nossos Serviços, para responder às suas questões, para solucionar problemas e para outros serviços ao cliente concebidos para melhorar a sua experiência.
  • Partilhar com os nossos fornecedores. Para partilhar com os nossos fornecedores e prestadores de serviços. Podemos divulgar as informações que recolhemos aos nossos fornecedores e prestadores de serviços, conforme necessário, para lhe prestarmos os Serviços, para nos envolvermos na utilização e partilha das informações que recolhemos, conforme permitido pela presente Política de Privacidade, e conforme possa ser exigido ou permitido pela legislação aplicável. Estes terceiros incluem, sem limitação, as nossas filiais e entidades relacionadas, fornecedores de alojamento e gestão de sítios Web e software, fornecedores de serviços de apoio, fornecedores de análises e publicidade, processadores de pagamentos de terceiros, fornecedores de armazenamento na nuvem, fornecedores de segurança de tecnologias de informação, fornecedores de serviços de marketing e relações públicas e fornecedores de serviços de correio eletrónico.
  • Personalização. Para adaptar o conteúdo e as informações que podemos enviar ou apresentar ao utilizador, para sugerir ajuda e instruções personalizadas e para personalizar a sua experiência enquanto visita ou utiliza os nossos Serviços.
  • Publicidade. Para lhe apresentar publicidade com base nos seus interesses, para melhorar os nossos sistemas de publicidade e medição, de modo a podermos apresentar-lhe anúncios mais relevantes, e para medir a eficácia e o alcance dos anúncios e serviços.
  • Marketing e promoções. Para fins promocionais e de marketing, tais como o envio de notícias e actualizações, ofertas especiais e promoções, ou para o contactar sobre produtos, serviços ou informações que pensamos que lhe possam interessar, incluindo informações sobre produtos e serviços de terceiros. Pode optar por deixar de receber as nossas comunicações promocionais a qualquer momento, seguindo as instruções de cancelamento de subscrição contidas no e-mail aplicável, quando aplicável, ou contactando-nos através das informações de contacto fornecidas abaixo em "Contacte-nos". Tenha em atenção que, mesmo que opte por não receber comunicações promocionais da nossa parte, poderá continuar a receber comunicações administrativas da nossa parte relacionadas com a sua utilização dos Serviços.
  • Analítica. Recolher métricas para compreender melhor como os Utilizadores acedem e utilizam os Serviços; para avaliar e melhorar os Serviços; e para desenvolver novos produtos e serviços.
  • Cumprir a lei. To comply with legal obligations, as part of our general business operations, and for other business administration purposes.
  • Prevent Misuse. Where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, or violations of our Termos de utilização or this Privacy Policy.

How We Use and Share Your Personal Data


In addition to those uses set forth elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, we use the information you provide to offer, manage, or improve our Services, including but not limited to:

  • improving content;
  • adapting or adding in new features and functionality;
  • providing and improving service and support;
  • delivering relevant advertising;
  • assisting with social sharing functionality;
  • developing new products and services;
  • selecting content to be communicated to you;
  • aggregating and/or anonymizing certain types of information, for example, to better understand or provide better engagement with our Users; and
  • contacting you regarding our products or services; and preventing and detecting security threats, fraud or other malicious activity.

Tradeday may share your Personal Data with our affiliates or with third parties (such categories of third parties as identified above), which provide services to us and which agree to keep such Personal Data confidential.

We may employ third-party companies and individuals for any of the following:

  • to facilitate the Services;
  • to provide the Services on our behalf;
  • to perform related services, including maintenance, database management, web analytics, and improvement of the features or functionality;
  • to assist us in data analysis; and
  • to process debit, credit, and other payments and to perform related services.

Additionally, we retain the right to disclose Personal Data as allowed or required by law. We may also disclose Personal Data under the following circumstances:

  • to respond to duly authorized information requests of police and governmental authorities;
  • to comply with any law, regulation, subpoena, or court order;
  • to investigate and help prevent security threats, fraud or other malicious activity;
  • to investigate and help prevent a violation of any contractual or other relationship with Tradeday or the perpetration of any illegal or harmful activity;
  • to enforce and protect the rights and properties of Tradeday, its affiliates and its business partners; and
  • to protect the personal safety of our employees, agents, affiliates, business partners, customers or site users.

In the event of a merger, consolidation, or sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of Tradeday or the Tradeday Parties, Personal Data stored in our database will be transferred to the purchasing or new entity. However, the use of this information by any purchasing or surviving entity would be governed by the terms of this Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time, including any amendment after such transaction.

Due to the fact our business is international, we have centralized elements of our business and our processing of information. Accordingly, your information may be transferred to and maintained on computers and servers located outside of your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. Where required by applicable law, your prior consent will be obtained for such transfers, or we have ensured that Personal Data included in such transfer is adequately protected through the use of contractual clauses or other adequate measures under such applicable laws. If you are located outside the United States and choose to provide information to us, Tradeday transfers Personal Data to the United States and processes it there. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer.

You acknowledge that Tradeday may collect and aggregate information about you and your particular simulated trades, trading patterns and preferences, and other preferences and interests and use such information in its sole discretion. Tradeday may share or sell such information to Tradeday’s business partners, affiliates, vendors, distributors, or other collaborators for these same purposes and each of them may use all such information to influence their own trading habits through mirroring simulated trades in actual financial markets or use them in any other manner. You agree that such activities may be performed automatically and in no circumstance shall you be entitled to any payment or compensation. 

With your consent, we may use and share your personal information in ways not specifically described in this Privacy Policy.

Location of Processing

Personal Data is processed in the United States of America. Personal Data from EU Users and Brazilian Users is processed in the United States. Tradeday shall process such Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR and LGPD.


This Section only applies to California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia residents and such other persons as may be required under applicable U.S. state law. This Section does not apply to such categories of Personal Data (which includes “personal information” and “personal data” as such might be defined under applicable U.S. state law) excluded or exempted from applicable U.S. state data protection laws, including, without limitation:

  • Publicly available information.
  • Deidentified or aggregated consumer information.
  • Information excluded from applicable data privacy laws’ scope, like:
    • health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), clinical trial data, or other qualifying research data;
    • personal information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994.

In particular, our Services has collected the following categories of Personal Data from consumers within the last 12 months:

Dados pessoais

We collect the following subcategories of Personal Data (in addition to and consistent with the information described in Section 4 of this Privacy Policy):

We collect such Personal Data for the following purposes (in addition to and consistent with the purposes set forth in Section 6 of this Privacy Policy):


Consistent with and in addition to the information set forth in the “Information You Submit” section above: First and last name, date of birth, postal address, phone number, phone number, email address.

Performing and providing the Services to you, providing customer services, verifying user information, facilitating access to the Services. Administering your account. To communicate with you and send you information about our Services, or to respond to your request for information or the Services. To send promotional communications about us, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

Protected Classifications and Characteristics under Applicable Law

Age, sex (including gender and gender identity).

You can voluntarily provide us with this information. We may use it for demographic analysis and to better understand our Users to provide the Services to you.

Sensitive Personal Information

Credit card number, social security number, financial account information, government ID numbers

When an Account is funded, we will require certain proof of identification in order to ensure the User identification is accurate and for KYC purposes.



Internet or other electronic network activity information

IP addresses, Log Data, login information, and cookies and device information (e.g., online activity such as date and time of accessing our websites, website addresses accessed, the length of website visit).

Analytical purposes, including, without limitation, to help us improve your access to the Services (for example, by remembering your contact and other information when you access or use the Services), to identify repeat visitors to the Services, to track how you access and use the Services, to learn when and how users visit the Services, to learn how popular Services’ pages are and aren’t, to learn which search terms are used to find the Services, to learn which websites direct you to the Services, to help display certain information on the Services, and to improve your enjoyment of the Services.

To target advertisements for goods and services and to display those advertisements on other websites.

To administer the Services and its servers, to generate statistical information, to monitor and analyze Services traffic and usage patterns, to monitor and help prevent fraud, to investigate complaints and violations of our policies, and to improve the Services.

We obtain the categories of Personal Data listed above from the following categories:

  • Directly from you. For example, forms you complete or products and services your purchase.
  • Indirectly from you. For example, from observing your actions on our Services.
  • From third parties. For example, from our online advertising networks, our affiliates, third party websites and mobile applications, social media companies.

Applicable laws in your jurisdiction may grant you certain rights—subject to all applicable limitations, exemptions, or exceptions—regarding our collection and use of your Personal Data. These rights may include, to the extent applicable and to the extent granted under applicable law:

  • The right to confirm whether Personal Data about you is Processed and to access such Personal Data;
  • The right to request the disclosure of (1) what Personal Data has been collected; (2) the categories of sources from which the Personal Data was collected; (3) the business or commercial purpose for collection or selling Personal Data; (4) the categories of third parties with whom we share Personal Data; and (5) the specific pieces of Personal Data we have collected about you (e.g., data portability);
  • The right to request the deletion of your Personal Data that we have collected;
  • The right to request the correction of your Personal Data that we collected;
  • The right to opt-out of targeted advertising and the sharing of Personal Data that is shared for cross-contextual behavioral advertising purposes;
  • The right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Data;
  • The right to withdraw consent of our processing of Personal Data where consent was required by law prior to the initial collection and procession of the Personal Data;
  • The right to limit the use of Sensitive Personal Information;
  • The right to not be discriminated against due to your exercise of your rights under applicable law. We do not discriminate against users for exercising the rights granted to them under applicable law.

We do not use your Personal Data to profile you in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or significantly similar effects (as may be defined under applicable law).

We do not sell your personal information as the term “sell” is commonly understood to require an exchange for money. Please note that our use of advertising and analytics cookies on our Services may be considered a “sale” / “sharing for cross-contextual behavior advertising purposes” of personal information as the term “sale” or “share” is defined under applicable data protection laws to include both monetary and other valuable consideration. To be as transparent as possible with you, we consider these uses a “sale” or “share” and will comply with the restrictions of the “sale” or “share” of this information to the extent technologically feasible.

In the preceding 12 months, we have ““sold” and “shared” for cross-contextual behavioral advertising purposes Internet or other electronic network activity information, as defined in the table above and the cookies and other data as described in the “Log Data, Cookies, and Related Tracking Technologies” section below.

Under applicable data protection laws, you may have the right to opt-out of our “sale” or “sharing” of Personal Data to third parties. You may exercise this right to opt-out by contacting us through the methods set forth in the “Exercise Your Rights” section below, or by clicking the “DO NOT SELL OR SHARE MY PERSONAL DATA” .

California, Colorado, Connecticut and other applicable U.S. state privacy laws may require us to let you know how we respond to web browser Do Not Track Signals or other mechanisms that provide consumers the ability to exercise choice regarding the automatic collection about your online activities over time. California, Colorado, Connecticut and other residents of applicable U.S. states can opt out by broadcasting an Opt-Out Preference Signal, including through the use of the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), depending on which browsers and/or browser extensions you use that may support such signals. To take a look at extensions and browsers supporting the GPC browser signals, please visit here: Note that if you choose to use the GPC signal, you will need to turn it on for each supported browser or browser extension you use.

The above rights are only exercisable by you where the applicable law grants you the right being exerted and where no exception or exemption under applicable law applies. You may also have a registered agent (if and only as permitted under applicable law) that you authorize to act on your behalf. If you have a registered agent act on your behalf, we have the right to authenticate such agent’s authority to act. To exercise the rights described herein (only to the extent applicable), you may submit a verifiable request to us through the methods set forth under the “Exercise Your Rights” section below.


EU and UK GDPR Supplemental Privacy Notice

The GDPR and UK GDPR, address the protection of natural persons located in the EU or UK with respect to the processing of their Personal Data. The UK GDPR and the GDPR recognize that Personal Data shall be:

  • processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner;
  • collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes;
  • adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed;
  • accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
  • kept in a form which permits identification of Data Subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; and
  • processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

As a Controller, Tradeday shall be responsible for, and shall be able to demonstrate compliance with, the foregoing principles. Subject to all applicable exemptions and exceptions, you may have the right:

  • to request the correction or update of any Personal Data that is incorrect or incomplete;
  • to request the erasure of your Personal Data (the right to be forgotten);
  • to portability of your Personal Data;
  • to object to the processing of your Personal Data;
  • not to be subject to a decision based on automated decision-making, including profiling;
  • to withdraw consent to the processing of your Personal Data; and
  • to register a complaint with the applicable UK or EU supervisory authority.

LGPD Supplemental Privacy Notice

This Section addresses legal obligations and rights set forth in the LGPD that apply only to eligible residents of Brazil. These obligations and rights apply to businesses doing business in Brazil and to Brazilian residents and information that relates to Brazilian Users. It does not apply to information that has been anonymized.

If you are a Brazilian resident, the following provisions apply in addition to the terms of the Privacy Policy:

  • The LGPD grants you certain rights about your Personal Data. In addition to the rights outlined in this Privacy Policy, you also have the right to:
  • request confirmation of whether your Personal Data is Processed by Tradeday;
  • request access to the Personal Data we Process about you;
  • have your Personal Data corrected to the extent it is inaccurate or out-of-date;
  • request information about (i) what third parties we share your Personal Data with, and (ii) information about your ability to deny consent and the consequences thereof (e.g., our inability to provide the Services if you do not consent);
  • request the deletion, blocking or anonymization of your Personal Data, if you believe Tradeday is processing your Personal Data information in an unnecessary, exceeding or non-compliant matter;
  • request the portability of your Personal Data; 
  • withdraw consent where consent was the basis for our processing or collection of Personal Data; and
  • request information about the entities with which Tradeday has shared your Personal Data with.
  • Because the Services are provided to you by Tradeday in the United States, Tradeday needs to carry out international transfers of your Personal Data from Brazil to the United States and other countries for the proper operation of the Services. Therefore, the international transfers of all Brazilian Users’ Personal Data are based upon contractual necessity, as provided by the LGPD.

This section of this Privacy Policy only applies to Canadian residents. Under various Canadian laws and regulations, you have certain rights in regard to our collection of personal information. These rights include:

  • The right to request access to your personal information;
  • The right to request corrections to your personal information;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and/or the applicable Canadian provincial regulatory body if you consider that the collection and use of your personal information violates this Privacy Policy or applicable law.

The above rights are only exercisable by you where applicable law in the jurisdiction in which you reside actually grant you the right being exerted.


This section of this Privacy Policy only applies to Nevada residents. Nevada law gives Nevada residents the right to request that a company not sell their Personal Data. This right applies even if their Personal Data is not currently being sold. If you are a Nevada resident and wish to exercise this right, we may do so through the methods set forth in the “Exercise Your Rights” section of this Privacy Policy.


If this Privacy Policy expressly stated above that you have certain rights or applicable law grants you certain rights as it relates to our collection and processing of your Personal Data, you may submit a verifiable request to us:

Only you or a registered agent (if and only as permitted under applicable law) that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your Personal Data. If you have a registered agent act on your behalf, we have the right to authenticate such agent’s authority to act. Without limiting the foregoing, the verifiable consumer request must:

  • Provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected Personal Data or an authorized representative.
  • Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.

We cannot respond to your request or provide you with Personal Data if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the Personal Data relates to you.  Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us.  We will only use Personal Data provided in a verifiable consumer request to verify the requestor’s identity or authority to make the request. 

We will respond to your request within the applicable timeframe required under applicable law.  If we deny your request, you can appeal such denial by visiting


We have in place reasonable and appropriate technical, physical, and organizational procedures and security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy, and to ensure the appropriate use of the information we collect, taking into account the cost of implementing such measures commensurate with the risks posed by the particular type of processing, the nature of the Personal Data, and in accordance with applicable law. However, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. We cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data.


Tradeday Services are not intended for use by minors under the age of 18 and are not targeted to children. 


The servers used to operate and provide the Services may collect data pertaining to you and the equipment, software, and communication methods you use to access the Internet and the Services, including Internet protocol (“IP”) addresses assigned to the computers and other devices from where you access the Internet, your Internet service provider (ISP), device ID numbers and unique identifiers, your media access control (MAC) address, your operating system, your computer screen resolution, your web browser type, the pages you access on the Services, the websites you access before and after visiting the Services, the length of time you spend on the Services, date and time stamps, clickstream data, your approximate geographic location, performance statistics, and usage data. We may use this information to administer the Services and its servers, to generate statistical information, to monitor and analyze Services traffic and usage patterns, to monitor and help prevent fraud, to investigate complaints and violations of our policies, and to improve the Services. We may combine this information with other Personal Data (including personal information) and information obtained from third parties for security reasons and to protect our rights or the rights of others. The suppliers that we use to provide the Services may collect information about your visits to the Services and other websites. Some of this information may be collected using cookies and similar tracking technologies as explained below.

We use cookies and other similar technologies, including log data, on our Services to distinguish you from other users of our websites and apps (including when you browse third party websites). A cookie is a piece of data stored on a Services visitor’s hard drive by the visitor’s web browser. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you use our services, to help you access the Services, to identify repeat visitors to the Services, to track how you access and use the Services, to learn when and how users visit the Services, to learn whether our Services and/or its pages are popular, to learn which search terms are used to find the Services, to learn which websites direct you to the Services, to help display certain information on the Services, and to improve your enjoyment of the Services. The Services may use both cookies that we implement, and cookies implemented by our suppliers and other third parties. “First-party” cookies allow your browser to talk to the actual website that you are visiting, whereas “third-party” cookies allow your browser to talk to third-party websites, such as the source of an ad that appears on the website you are visiting or a third-party analytics provider. Additionally, a cookie can either be a “session” cookie or a “persistent” cookie. Session cookies exist only for so long as you are visiting the applicable website. Session cookies are typically deleted or removed when you exit or quit your browser application. Persistent cookies exist for a set period of time, for example, six months or one year. Each time you visit a website that has implemented a persistent cookie, that cookie will remain active until its predetermined expiration date. Our suppliers may use cookies and tracking technologies, such as pixel tags, to track Services visitors across the Internet to understand how you get to the Services and for the analytics purposes disclosed in this Privacy Policy. We do not have access or control over these cookies and this Privacy Policy does not cover the use of third-party cookies. See below for more information on the types of cookies collected and their purposes:

    • Operationally necessary cookies (also called essential cookies). These are cookies that are required for the operation of the Services. For example, these cookies are required to identify irregular website behavior, prevent fraudulent activity, and improve security. They also allow users of the Services to make use of its functions. Without these cookies, features, and services you have requested will not be able to be provided.
    • Functional cookies. These cookies allow us to offer you enhanced functionality when accessing or using the Services. This may include to remembering choices you make, for example, remembering your preferences or settings, remembering if you reacted to something on or through the Services so that you are not asked to react to it again, remembering if you have used any feature of the Services before, remembering your username or preferences, remembering if you have used any feature of the Services before, restricting the number of times you are shown a particular advertisement, and enabling social media components. If functional cookies are disabled, various functions of the Services may be unavailable to you or may not work the way you want them to.
    • Performance cookies (also called analytical cookies). These cookies assess the performance of the Services, including as part of our analytic practices to help us understand how visitors use and interact with the Services, for example, which pages on our websites users visit most often. These cookies also enable us to personalize content and remember your preferences. These cookies help us improve the way our websites work and provide a better, personalized user experience.
  • Advertising or targeted cookies. These cookies record your visits to the Services, the pages you visit on our websites, and the links you have clicked. They gather information about your browsing habits and remember that you have visited a particular website. Tradeday and its third-party advertising platforms or networks may use this information to make the Services and its content more relevant to your interests (this is sometimes called “behavioral” or “targeted” advertising and is further discussed above). These cookies are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and to help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. To find out more about interest-based ads and your choices, please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance, the Network Advertising Initiative, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe, and

Most browsers automatically accept cookies. Browsers generally also allow users to manage cookies in the browser’s settings. For example, a browser may allow you to reject cookies from certain websites, reject certain types of cookies regardless of the website, reject or disable all cookies from all websites, and/or delete cookies stored previously. Some browsers also give you the option of being notified every time a cookie is sent to your browser by a website. You can disable or limit cookies but doing so may impact your use and enjoyment of the Services and other websites. For example, the Services may not be able to be personalized for you, may no longer capture or remember your preferences or other choices you have made on the Services in the past, and may not remember your name or contact information. Changing your cookie preferences in one browser will not necessarily carry over to other browsers, so you may need to adjust your preferences each time you get a new computer, install a new browser, upgrade an existing browser, or alter or delete a browser’s cookie file.

The Services may also use the following types of tracking technologies: web beacons (also called clear GIFs), flash cookies, and pixels (also called pixel tags). Web beacons are tiny graphics with unique identifiers that function similar to how cookies function but, in contrast to cookies, web beacons are embedded invisibly on websites. Flash cookies collect and store information about your use of a website and are commonly used for advertisements and videos. Pixel tags can be placed on websites or within emails to track your interactions with those websites and when emails are opened.

Our servers also automatically record Log Data which includes information such as your internet service provider, your computer’s internet protocol address, browser type and operating system, referring/exit pages, clickstream data, pages of our Services that you visit (and the time spent on these pages), information you search for on our Services, and other statistics. We use this information to monitor and analyze your use of our Services and to better tailor them to your needs in order to provide you with a better experience.


The Services uses third-party analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) to collect and process data about your use of the Services, including when you visit the Services, URLs of the websites that you visit prior to visiting the Services and when you visit those websites, and IP addresses assigned to the devices from where you access the Internet. Our analytics providers may set and read cookies to collect this data and your web browser will automatically send data collected by those cookies to our analytics providers. Our analytics providers use this data to provide us with reports that we will use to improve the Services’ structure and content.

For more information on how Google uses this data, visit Google’s Privacy Policy and Google’s page on How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps. To prevent this data from being used by Google Analytics, follow the instructions to download and install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for each browser you use. Using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on will not prevent Tradeday from using other analytics tools and will not prevent data from being sent to the Services itself or to Google. For more information about how Google Analytics uses cookies to measure user interactions on websites, visit Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites. You may disable cookies as discussed below, but that may impact your use and enjoyment of the Services.

Additionally, the Services may use or participate in advertising networks and related advertising services that are managed and provided by third-party advertising servers, advertising agencies, technology vendors, and research firms, including, without limitation, Google Ads. These services collect information about your visits to and interactions with the Services and other websites and will use that information to target advertisements for goods and services and to display those advertisements on other websites. The information collected may be associated with your personal information.

We use Google Ads and Google Analytics advertising features on our Services, which we use for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy. Through Google Ads, Google uses your Internet searches, cookies, and similar identifiers (e.g., pixel tags) to collect information about your visits to the Services and your interaction with our products and services to generate targeted advertisements to you on other websites that you visit across the Internet. We may also enable and implement Google Analytics advertising features on the Services. To opt out of remarketing advertising provided through Google, to customize your ad preferences, or to limit Google’s collection or use this information, visit Google’s Safety Center and Google’s Ad Settings and follow Google’s personalized ad opt-out instructions. Opting out will not affect your use of the Services.

For certain Facebook advertising services, Facebook Ireland is a Joint Controller (as defined in the GDPR) and that information required under the GDPR related to such processing can be found at We work with Facebook and use their advertising services to measure and improve our ads and marketing efforts, as well as to display more relevant advertising to you. For further information on how Facebook Ireland processes your personal information, including the legal basis, and the ways to exercise your rights, please visit

To change your preferences with respect to certain online ads and to obtain more information about third-party ad networks and online behavioral advertising, please visit the National Advertising Initiative Consumer opt-out page or the Digital Advertising Alliance Self-Regulatory Program. Please remember that changing your settings with individual web browsers or ad networks will not necessarily carry over to other browsers or ad networks. As a result, depending on the opt-outs you request, you may still see our ads from time to time. Your device may also include a feature (“Limit Ad Tracking” on iOS or “Opt Out of Interest-Based Ads” on Android) that allows you to opt out of having certain information collected through apps used for behavioral advertising purposes.


Personal Data you provide to us should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Tradeday strives to keep your Personal Data accurately recorded. You have the right to access and request the correction, amendment, or deletion of all of your recorded personal information that has been collected by us.


Tradeday retains Personal Data for as long as we reasonably require it for legal or business purposes. In determining data retention periods, Tradeday takes into consideration local laws, contractual obligations, and the expectations and requirements of our Users. We will not retain data longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws or regulations. When we no longer need personal information, we securely delete or destroy it.


The Services incorporate content, including feeds, scripts embedded in the Services’ code, and visible content (e.g., videos), provided by third parties. In some cases, those third parties collect data about how you interact with their content. For example, Google Maps or YouTube. Our Services may include Google Maps features and content. Google Maps features and content is subject to the then-current versions of Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service at and Google Privacy Policy at Our Services may use YouTube to make content in video format available to you. By accessing a part of the Services where videos are available, watching an embedded video, or otherwise interacting with any content made available through YouTube, you signify your agreement with YouTube’s terms and conditions. YouTube collects and otherwise has access to usage data (e.g., what videos you accessed and watched) through videos embedded in the Services as further described in YouTube’s Privacy Policy. YouTube adheres to Google’s privacy policies and principles, part of which allow you to control certain privacy settings and which data are collected. For more information, please visit


We value your opinion. If you have comments or questions about our Privacy Policy, please send them to

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